About Us

About Us

We are working on mental health but we work on that with different scientific pattern help of ours special techniques meditation, Sound Healing Meditation, Graphotherapy. We have been practicing yoga, meditation and allied therapies since 10 years and have a history of satisfied clientage. As yoga is now recognized as sport,we do prepare condidates for yoga championships focusing on national level awards. We do thrive to promote and strengthen our vedic culture and yoga sutras in it’s purest form. Following the ideology behind our name Dhaarna want to change thougth process of society who delieves that yoga is not for everyone and want to establish yoga as a part of life style. Our scientific methods and techniques are designed to bring best results adn keep practitioners protected from injuries and side effects.
May All Beings Be Well, Happy & Healthy!

What We Do

 Dhaarna Yoga aims to influence people to live a hale and hearty life. Through our services we wish to connect people to their inner spirit which would eventually lead to happiness, peace and good health.

Peaceful Mind

Some enjoy yoga for its fitness benefits, while others do it for the peace of mind it brings. Not only does yoga involve positions that can increase flexibility and release tension, but it also has mental and spiritual benefits.

Wellness Yoga

Wellness Yoga” is a term often used to describe a style of yoga that focuses on promoting overall health and well-being. While yoga, in general, has numerous physical and mental health benefits,

Weight Reduction

Yoga can be a valuable component of a weight reduction or weight management program, as it combines physical activity with mindfulness and stress reduction techniques. While yoga alone may not result in rapid weight loss, it can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Increased Flexibility

Increased flexibility is one of the many benefits that yoga can provide. Yoga incorporates various poses and stretches that can help improve your flexibility, mobility, and range of motion.

Reduce Stress

Reducing stress is essential for maintaining your overall well-being and mental health. Chronic stress can have adverse effects on your physical and emotional health.

Healthy Life

Living a healthy life involves making conscious choices and adopting habits that promote your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are key aspects of a healthy lifestyle:

Why Choose Us

50 Yoga Asanas ( Anatomy, Formation, Practise, Benefits & Perfection )

5 Pranayamas , 5 Mudras , 2 Meditation Techniques

Surya Namaskar , Chandra Namaskar , Prithvi Namaskar

Learn at your convenience- online or offline


We have 100% passing results

Improve Mobility